
Killing Floor :D One of the sweetest Co-op games ever made in my opinion. ;)

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Postby askderek19 » Tue Jul 09, 2013 4:45 pm

I keep getting kicked and banned from playing the pro-server for killing floor. I am getting tired of it when I am not doing anything wrong......
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Re: Banned

Postby Guardian » Wed Jul 10, 2013 12:16 am

Who is kicking you? An admin or is it players? Also, which pro server, Easy, Normal or Hard?
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Re: Banned

Postby askderek19 » Wed Jul 10, 2013 10:34 pm

I believe admin to make space for the admin. Not sure. Just says you were banned for the remainder of the game. And pro server.
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Re: Banned

Postby Guardian » Thu Jul 11, 2013 12:12 am

askderek19 wrote:I believe admin to make space for the admin. Not sure. Just says you were banned for the remainder of the game. And pro server.

If I ever see that happen, any admin that does that will be banned for good. They agreed to a list of rules and rules towards admins are greater than they are regular players. I have a hard time accepting any of my admins would do this. However, if it did and you wasn't doing anything wrong, I'm sorry, and let me know if it happens again.
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