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Moderator: Guardians Knights
by Guardian » Sun Jul 31, 2005 8:55 pm
Letting everyone know that I have a FTP Server up and ready for use. I will be posting the same message in the message board area. For right now I am allowing the standard log-on, for the FTP server. Also, the server will be on most of the time, the same as the Quake III server. There will be times that I will have the servers down. Right now the only two files I have on the FTP server are the files for Quake III and Rocket Arena. There will be more to follow. The server IP is the same as for the Quake Server, and the port is 21(different from quakes port of coarse).


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by Guardian » Sun Jul 31, 2005 9:15 pm
If you can not connect to the FTP server, I am going to start linking files in the download area. You may find that some files I will have on the FTP server that I do not have linked in the download area and the other way around. I will try to keep both the same, but I can not promise anything.

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by Guardian » Tue Aug 02, 2005 5:04 am
I have added a lot of patches and some mods for different games on my FTP server. I can not guarantee that some of them are up to date patches, so you may want to check on fileplanet or somewhere and see if they are the most up to date patch or not.


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by Guardian » Fri Dec 16, 2005 9:08 pm
Your welcome.

Glad to see you like it. Anyone else have problems accessing the FTP server or have questions let me know.

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