Quake III Rocket Arena Server Up and Running!!!!

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Moderator: Guardians Knights

Quake III Rocket Arena Server Up and Running!!!!

Postby Guardian » Sun Jul 31, 2005 6:43 am

Yeap, letting everyone know that I have the Quake 3 Rocket Arena sever up and running. The IP for the server is Enjoy. :-D The server should be up most of the time, other than times I will have to take it down for maintenance or thunder storms that are around. I'm going to try and get some stats setup, so all the stats from the game will be posted here on my website so you can compare yourself against others stats. :-)

For anyone that has never played Rocket Arena for Quake 3, I highly suggest it. It is a mod that you can install for the game. You can go to www.planetquake.com and find it in the mod area for Quake 3 or you can go to www.fileplanet.com. Both I have listed in my web links. So you may want to check the forums on my site also. I may also put the files in the download section so you can download them from here. Just keep a check in the download area. :good:

Also, here is the link to the Rocket Arena website. http://www.planetquake.com/servers/arena/ :teeth:

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