Thinking about setting up Game Days...

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Moderator: Guardians Knights

Should I start up a Game Day for each month?

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Thinking about setting up Game Days...

Postby Guardian » Sat Oct 14, 2006 11:47 pm

Was thinking about setting up game days. My good friend Ice Dragon and some of his friends have game days from time to time. So I'm thinking about setting some up as well. I will use the calendar on the forums on the main page to set the dates. As for deciding when and what games to play, we can just use the forums to talk about what day or days to have it on and what games should be the set games to play. I'm figuring Saturdays will be a great day for the game day/night. Not saying every Saturday, maybe like one or two out of each month(probably one would be best). :mrgreen:

Let me know what yeah think... :paranoid:

Guardian :ninja:
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