Nitrous installed... :D Large Pics(not dial up friendly)

Questions or tips about Nitrous.

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Nitrous installed... :D Large Pics(not dial up friendly)

Postby Guardian » Mon Sep 24, 2007 11:19 pm

Well, me and dad finished hooking up the Nitrous on the Camaro this past Saturday. :mrgreen: I took some pics of everything :wink: All that is left is I need to hook up the Nitrous pressure gauge sensor and the RPM activation switch. Me and dad will probably finish both of those this up coming weekend. After I get those installed I'll take a few more pics of the finished setup. :good:

Nitrous Bottle, Remote Switch, and Bottle heater pressure sensor

Nitrous Bottle, Remote Switch, and Bottle heater pressure sensor

Nitrous Bottle, Remote Switch, and Bottle heater pressure sensor

Switches, from left to right, Nitrous Arming, Remote bottle opener, Bottle Heater, and below purge button

Another view of the switch install

Interior and gauges

Gauges, Wideband 02, Fuel Pressure, Coolant Temp., bottom right Nitrous Pressure

Engine Bay everything installed except MSD RPM Switch, and Nitrous pressure sensor

Everything but the nitrous pressure sensor hooked, look below on near final pic for detailed listing.

Nitrous Dry shot hooked up into intake

Another pic of engine bay before RPM switch and nitrous sensor

MSD RPM Switch

Engine Bay pic of entire Nitrous hookup

Pic of everything hooked up, starting from left to right under the NOS sticker, Small Black box is Nitrous Relay switch, right below NOS sticker the silver hookup is the Nitrous Pressure sensor, below the that is the Nitrous purge, then Solenoid one and two. Solenoid Ones ground is hooked up to the MSD RPM switch which will turn the Nitrous on and off at certain RPMs, 2nd Solenoid ground is hooked to the fuel pressure switch(FPS) that is not shown in this pic. I will add a pic later of the T used to hook the FPS and the fuel pressure sending unit.

Engine Bay pic of finished Nitrous install. :mrgreen:

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