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Servers are Down OCTOBER 23, 2013

PostPosted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 12:19 am
by Guardian
UPDATE: Found what they have done.... more reword crap... for no reason.... They did add two things to code for when a player gets hit... fixed that, that was an easy fix after i found it... the next one is where they have killed perks, until they are fixed. all they did was change a line in the ReduceDamage code, from KFMonster DamageTaker and changed it to Pawn Instigator..... yeap... all they did was rename... and any perk that uses the ReduceDamage code, client will crash when they are hit. So... I stoppe there tonight... that would mean i would have to go into several of the stock perks, and all my 20 perks and change this and recompile..... i don't want to change it, if they are going to switch it back..

I put a post on TWI, hopefully they will say if its going to stay that way or not... but then, i'll probably just run into another reworded code line again... so sick of this rewording crap...

Servers are down... ETA... who knows....

Problems i have found...

Lovely TWI changes... for no reason again... Let the list begin...

1. AA12... changed the weapons switch on it.. so, it does not switch from auto to single fire... Fixable, yeah, should not be to bad...

2. All weapon switch messages are showing.. meaning, if you swith a glock to singe fire to 3 times fire, both messages are appearing at once.... why?? good question.... Better yet... WHY... did TWI even mess with the weapon switch message code.......

3. They have changed some code calling for the trader.... because now all weapons sell for..... $0 <3 Awesome.... I can get around this, with how i have my server set... i can just give so much money at start or a minimum from death... Not the end of the world... but, until i find where they changed or what they changed... weapons sell for $0....

4. The fun one.... For some reason... I keep crashing on wave 1... if i make it to wave two, with-in 10 to 20 seconds I crash... The server is not crashing, client side is... but, i never hardly crash.. so something is a miss...

UPDATE: on #4. Found that if I get hit by any zed, i crash on client side. If i have armor, and the armor takes the hit, I do not crash. As soon as i take any health hit, i crash client side.... I followed the code to the source.. and nothing has changed in the source files TWI releases to modders... this is something in the main engine i'm guessing... I'm not sure... i was hoping i would find a change in the source, but its the same as it should be... So.... who knows...

5. Just read on TWI forums, someone put, AA12 bullet crashing server.. I haven't even made it that far.... i crash client side before the server must have a chance to...

So... Unknown ETA on the servers... i'm just so sick of TWI changing code for no reason... they have done this on every event update... for the past year or so... I could understand if there was a true need... but, i'm not seeing why anything needed to be changed, just for a new trader system... especially the switch messages... Just as in the past, the code changes they do, do the same exact thing as the previous code... all it does is take out mods...

Anyways... hopefully the servers will be back up sometime... i'm just getting tired of this every event....