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UPDATE: 9/21/2013

PostPosted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 12:00 am
by Guardian
1. Throwing Stars added to perk. LVL 6
2. Throwing knives now have a flight time, meaning, they cannot just float in the air forever... they will now fall to the ground after the flight time is hit.
3. Lowered max amount of throwing knives to 40 from 50.
4. Throwing Stars cannot be picked up, knives still can be picked up.

1. Throwing knives now have a flight time, meaning, they cannot just float in the air forever... they will now fall to the ground after the flight time is hit.

1. Throwing Blades added to perk. LVL 5

Sniper and Terminator:
1. Updated Rail Gun for both perks. Rail will now act like a real rail projectile :3
2. Speed increased for rail projectile

1. Katana no longer gets the perk damage increase. I forgot about already increasing the damage of the sword itself. Its the strongest katana in the game currently, base damage wise.

Ninja Clot :3