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UPDATE: 9/12/2013

PostPosted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 11:55 pm
by Guardian
1. Mega Clot :o Don't let him crab you... :o
1a. Used the skin from the metal clot zed, older mod zed. Just a clot with a new skin. I made larger, gave it larger arms, and its fire resistant :p as it should be :p

2. Gobba Gorefast-->The same one in the Steam Workshop, however, that is a mutator that just replaces the skin and sound files, no change to the Gorefast, and actually replaces all gorefast with the skin and sound....
2a. Removed the music that played when one would spawn.. it was terrible... and you could hear it all over the map...
2b. Set health to twice the health at base and twice the speed of a Gorefast. Hits 5 points more on the attack. And will gain health per player.

Zed Updates:
1. Lowered health by half

Guardian :D