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7/28/2013--->Update: All Servers

PostPosted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 11:37 pm
by Guardian

1. Gains fall damage resistance over time, 100% by lvl 10.

1.Gains fall damage resistance over time, 50% by lvl 10.

1.Gains fall damage resistance over time, 50% by lvl 10.
2.100% more damage added from acid attacks per lvl.

1. Gains resistance to world fire damge. Example, a burning car or house. :)


Swarm Guardian
1. Reduced base health from 8000 to 5000.

Fall damage:
Fall damage is a sub form of melee damage. So, perks with melee resistance already gets some damage resistance to fall damage. If a perk takes more melee damage, then it gets more damage from falling. :) So, how does fall resistance work into this. Here is an example.

If a player falls and takes 50 points damage. If the perk has only 50% melee resistance, then the perk will come out with 25 points damage from the fall.

Now, a perk with fall resistance also.
If a player fall and takes 50 points damage. If the perk has 50% resistance to fall and 50% resistance to melee it would look like this.

50 damage from fall
50% less fall damage = 25 points damage from fall
50% less melee damage, will then be taken from 25 = 12.5 fall damage is what the player would take. :)

Guardian :D