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UPDATE: 7/25/2013 All Servers :p

PostPosted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 11:36 pm
by Guardian
Brute Gunner:
1. Fixed Brute M41A nade launcher. The damage from the nade will now go to the Brute perk and also gains the increase in the Brute perks damage. Before now, the nade did base M79 nade damage and went to Demo.
2. Increased ammo of nades in the M41A from 3 to 6.
3. Nades damage increased along with blast range :o

1. Gaines the M41A with medic heal nade launcher
2. Ammo for healing nades in M41A is 6.
3. All weapons pushed down from 9 to 3. M41A is at 9 with the Mega Healer.