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UPDATE: Ddos protection being added... JULY 19, 2013

PostPosted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 12:42 am
by Guardian
Adding Ddos protection to the servers. This will raise my month cost, but, it will be good to have the servers protected and actually usable.

It will now be, $50 for the servers and $300 for the protection... So, $350 a month, but this will be non shared protection that I was looking at before. Before i was looking at $200 a month for shared protection between 5 computers... For $300 I get all the protection, and its actually even higher than what $200 was...

So, any donations will be greatly accepted. :) If its for perk moves or just a donation to help me with the servers.

The servers are being setup with the protection now. The place I went through said the protection will be up in a few hours, since I requested 4 IPs to be setup.

Servers will be moving to a new location, so IPs will be different.

Guardian :)