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Pro Easy and Pro Normal Servers back up. JULY 13, 2013

PostPosted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 12:38 am
by Guardian
Pro Easy and Pro Normal Servers have been down, or have been unplayable since about 3am last night... I suspected that this was probably a ping bomb attack, and I was right. Usually in ping bomb attacks, they don't last long, because the attacker must use upload bandwidth to attack... In this case they were attacking with about 1gb ping attacks... Usually this would crash and cripple most connections however, the servers I'm renting have much higher bandwidth, so the servers did not fully crash. However, with any FPS game or game that is real time, any large enough spikes in the connection would cause the ping to go up and lag.. so, that is what was happening...

Good News... The IP has been traced and recorded... I'm unable to get this IP, because its against the rules of the data center the servers are running on. However, they have the info and watched the IP attack both servers over and over, and action will be taken in the future for the owner of this IP. <3 :) I would like to add... It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know.... you do not keep ping bombing a server for hours and hours and hours... Talking about genius on this one.... the logs are full of the attacks for hours.. and the data center actually got to watch it happen... Awesome.. pure awesome.. <3 I would suggest they may want to get "common sense for dumbies 101" and then move up from there...

But anyways.. the new IP's are as follows...

Normal Pro--->
Easy Pro--->

And as always, the IP's will be listed on my profile, here on the Steam Group and also on my websites forum :)