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All Pro Servers back online.... JULY 4, 2013

PostPosted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 12:35 am
by Guardian
All Pro Servers are back online... The local servers are still off, have spent the last day working to get the Pro Servers back up...

A lot of weapon changes.. To many to list... Had to remove some guns, but with most I did replace with the new ones that TWI has added to the game. I did however have to remove some... Was expecting it... since TWI added 5 new guns, 4 new skins and 3 new char. skins... Pushed my servers over the 2GB memory limit... However, I did have to fix a few mods that crashed the server right off, because of code changes that TWI did.. :/

From what I can tell however, more maps are open to play it seems... So.. If you have any problems with weapons not increasing the perk or such.. please make sure they are not, and then let me know... TWI did change code in the medic dart and welder.. but from what i was able to test.. everything seems to be working...

Guardian :)