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Server Update--->4/25/2013

PostPosted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 12:12 am
by Guardian
Fixed--->SMGS LVL 6--> Removed MP5A3-->Was the same gun as MP5A4
Perk still spawns with armor at 6 and later.

Updated-->My Modded Zeds
1.Some Zeds got a speed increase from small to mid jump in speed.
2. Modded zeds are updated now as true mini bosses. Blue Grav gun has no affect on mini boss zeds. Small Tank Pat, can still be affected by Blue Grav. gun, only makes sense... Also, currently the Flame Shiver can be affected as well. It's up in the air about that zed, but for now, Flame Shivers can be affected, just as the regular Shiver can. All other zeds that are not mini bosses, can be affected by Blue Grav. gun.