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Fixing Guardians KF Servers

PostPosted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 3:22 am
by Free Pig
As someone who has hundreds upon hundreds of hours in not only Killing Floor but more specifically the guardians servers I am sad to say that they just seem broken and borderline unplayable because of various problems consisting of lag, bugs, and imbalance of zeds. I would love to see the guardians server revert back to how it was a while back when everything worked very well but since so much is being added the servers cant even function correctly anymore. New zeds is something that is cool to see every so often but when it interferes with the overall state of the server it just makes the experience less enjoyable which is sad to say because I loved playing this server so much before. I don't know how willing you are to listen to feedback from just one person which is understandable and I have no doubt you have your own vision as to what you'd like to do with the server as well but it would be amazing if you would make an effort to fix at least some of the major issues with the guardians servers currently so that it can go back to how it was where I can play a fresh Killing Floor experience without being plagued with bugs and lag. If you read this whether you listen to this advice or not thank you for the countless hours of fun I've had in the servers and I wish you the best of luck in any future projects or updates.