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PRO Server and other Server RULES... READ!!!!

PostPosted: Thu May 02, 2013 7:56 pm
by Guardian
RULES listed below. Before the rules, here are a few tips for new players.

1. When changing perks, to start with the new perks weapons, you must suicide or die. It is best to change to a different perk when you die so you will spawn back in as the new perk you wish to play. OR, during the trader wave you can change to a new perk and then press ~ then type suicide. You are allowed one suicide per trader wave.

2. If you crossperk you will only do 10% of the weapons base damage.... So, crossperking isn't a wise idea on the Guardians Mod servers :nod: This is done so perks are used/played as they were created to be used/played. :nod:

3. Read Rules below for either the Pro Servers or Regular(non pro) servers.

4. Enjoy and have fun. :mrgreen:

PRO Server Rules:

Only use PERK SPECIFIC WEAPONS for each perk. Stock Weapons can be used/EXCEPT ANY RANGED DEMO WEAPONS, this includes the nade launcher on the Demo M4 203.
Break the rules=kick/reset perk or perks/ban or any of the above. No complaining or kicked.

2. Work as a team.

3. Have fun :D


5. Turrets.... Turrets are to be placed where zeds can attack them... and not just range Zeds... but all Zeds... if zeds are unable to attack the turret, then that is glitching and that will result in reset of the perk or perks... and further actions up to ban...

6. Same goes for glitching on maps... I know cuddles and a few zeds can knock players around pretty bad... and sometimes knock them to areas of the map that are not accessable to zeds or players... if this happens.. if you cannot move or get out of the glitch... then type SUICIDE in the console... this is considered glitching and will result in reset of perks...etc. etc....

7. Follow all the rules.... If you don't and are caught... then action will be taken... As listed above, action are... Reset of perk or perks, kick from server, ban for a certain time with all perks reset, or full ban from server.... If you wish to take the chance and glitch and or cheat... feel free... if you have the time to spend hours on hours... just to have a perk or perks reset... again... feel free... because when it happens.... DO NOT... and I repeat... DO NOT... ask me why your perk or perks were reset... If you get kicked or banned... DO NOT ask me why... Because I will not reply back... If an action has been taken.... That means you have been caught... No questions... So... again.. if you have hours to waste... and or you wish to have your perks reset or be banned from the pro server... take those chances and glitch and cheat... It's your time that will be wasted.... Not mine...

8. No farming welding on Pro DM server.

9. ADV SHOCKTROOPER--->Suicide at end of wave, if armor has taken DAMAGE!!! ARMOR is not to be SOLD during TRADER TIME.

10. PORTAL GUN: Portal Warps CANNOT be placed on the ground to block ZEDs so that the ZEDs are moved down the hall or another location making them easy kills. Portal Warps can be placed on the ground if the team is being OVER RUN or SWARMED, to help the team take back control of the holding grounds, but right after control is made the portals must be placed where they are not blocking or making ZEDs easy kills/farming.

10a. Portal Warps are not to be USED TO KILL OTHER PLAYERS....
10b. Portal Warps are not to be used to GLITCH or CHEAT... No different than any other PRO Rule.
10c. Portal Warps can be used to help other Team Mates more around the map quicker. Etc. Heavy Perk Warping to the trader and then back.
10d. I'm not going to set here and try to think of every little glitch or problem that can be made up using this weapon. PRO Rules are clear. NO GLITCHING OR CHEATING and RESPECT OTHER PLAYERS.

11. Random Spawning--> With the addition of random spawning, if a player or players are spawned on a glitch point or outside the map, the player or players must suicide unless they are able to get back into the working part of the map or if an admin is able to teleport the player or players back into a working part of the map. Player or players may kill a few ZEDs while getting back into the working part of the map but cannot kill several ZEDs or farm to help increase their perk progression.

12. Again, have fun and... Work as a team :)

Enjoy the server :D

OTHER Guardian Knights Server Rules:

1. Do not pickup and sell other peoples weapons, always return weapons to owner, or leave weapons on the ground, if you don't go by the rule, don't be shocked if your kicked and maybe banned.

2. Work as a team.

3. Have fun :D

2. NO HACKS OR CHEATS... Examples, AimBots, Auto Health, or any others.

Enjoy the server :D