Perk and server suggestion area :)

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Re: Perk and server suggestion area :)

Postby Negor » Thu Mar 13, 2014 12:02 pm

a melee perk that Has 400% more damage and regens hp but has no resistance bonuses, but it does get a 50% more move speed. the hp regen would get larger each lvl.
for weapons it would start with a knife then at lvl 10 it would get a buffed up boker knife and you can fill in the rest until then XD
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Re: Perk and server suggestion area :)

Postby Mangu » Fri Mar 14, 2014 10:06 am

Removing launchers and long range weaponry effectiveness from Terminator, it should reflect in a relief of the movement speed reduction because it can't no longer sit and destroy like a slowmo walking turret. I haven't gone into leveling Termie yet, but in Pro servers Termies are very vulnerable towards Hurlers, Steamers, Ploops (fast bloats), and the Amoeba... that if it gets to puke on the termie just once, the perk player would be dead almost instantly.

Since Hatty and many others think that "Terminator" is too unbalanced add a real anti Terminator zed for it, like Acid spewin' Shivers or a Teleporting Bloat (ew... a teleporting acid bomb... it would be a shame... if I ported to the sitting player over there...). Just saying, I feel Terminator is fine as it is... I mean... is terminates stuff... and terminators are unstoppable in the movies, the way I see it, the perks are based on what they're inspired on, and Guardian makes sure it doesn't get too easy on a perk because he adds zeds to counter it or adds a nasty weakness to the perk. Although I feel there are a couple of perks that need a rise in their damage output because they feel they don't catch up with the difficulty of both server types, pro and non pro *cough* ARS, SMGS *cough*.

But other than that, the perks are fine. If a perk is easy, that shouldn't be a reason to make it hard to play.
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Re: Perk and server suggestion area :)

Postby Mangu » Fri Mar 14, 2014 11:28 am

Negor wrote:Shredder
a melee perk that Has 400% more damage and regens hp but has no resistance bonuses, but it does get a 50% more move speed. the hp regen would get larger each lvl.
for weapons it would start with a knife then at lvl 10 it would get a buffed up boker knife and you can fill in the rest until then XD

I dunno if HP regen is possible, but I think you're talking about a Freddy Krugger kinda perk? Sounds fun, but I see it falling short on weaponry... not enough knives for it unless... you wouldn't mind rainbow colored stock knife, a blue knife, a red knife, a black knife, a white knife and maybe throw some machetes in the mix... sounds kinda odd though XD.
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Re: Perk and server suggestion area :)

Postby Uberzilla » Wed Apr 02, 2014 12:46 am

frost needs faster reload speed. no one is playing the actual perk because the reload speed is terrible so they crossperk all the way
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Re: Perk and server suggestion area :)

Postby Guardian » Wed Apr 02, 2014 2:54 pm

That will be up to the player. The perk needs a major handicap. If players wish to cross perk on the non prs, that is up to them. They won 't get the damage increase, ammo or pick up ammo increase, nor will they be immune to the damage of the blast from the proj. On pro servers if caught crossperking, players will get the stats clear, and if it's a vet player, all stats will be reset.

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Re: Perk and server suggestion area :)

Postby Mangu » Thu Apr 03, 2014 3:52 pm

I was comparing all other perks with Marine perk... suddenly something comes to mind (in my case), why not amp up the damage output as well as the damage requirement on many perks that would benefit from it. I´m not looking for an instant lvl 10, just enjoying my ride to it. A good example of this is the ARS, SMGS, Battle Medic and Pistol Pro, possibly DGS but I haven´t gotten far enough on that perk to make a proper judgement. I prefer taking longer to lvl up but with the benefit of having 50%-100% more damage bonus, this is just me speaking I know, but many will agree on the feeble perk that is ARS. Marine is flippin´ awesome and all, and it´s only fair for it to require so much damage (we all know it´s a "too good" perk in many ways, and that´s fine, we all want some of that).

The thing is, the survivability on some perks (taking in consideration last man standing vs a challenging 64 zeds with many FPs, Scrakes and such) in non pros like the ARS, even lvl 10, is very low because the damage output is too weak. If it were something like Stromtrooper it would be great (ST Thompson and SCAR Laser) maybe it is and I´m just ranting needlessly, I could be wrong. A damage amp would be great, of course with a damage requirement surely to follow.

And now... my brief Frost perk experience. Visuals look great, reload speed reduction is kinda too low, I do get why it should be slow... but idk... seems a tad too low. If Frost perk doesn´t have any AoE weapons, that would be a shame... I was told that Frost was a Cinder-ice-clone, I mean with those slows you would expect penetrating/ low fire rate freezing shotgun blasts, slow M79 Frost nading and Freeze Flash slow fiesta; not a fully automatic ice thrower blended with that reloading speed. But hard perks give the best stories anyways XD. It´s a nice addition all in all, it does makes me kinda sad that around 50% of players play the same 5-7 perks while some other perks remain unused, getting dusty :/. A nasty suggestion (sorry but not very sorry if this gets you thinking) would be making it NORMAL or SLOW (not VERY SLOW) reload speed but... low or very low fire rate, makes more sense to me I think, there is no slow firing perk now that I think of it.

Also, frozen things break easier if they fall... fall damage increased?

This perk is a great addition, but you can say... it´s too cool to be hot 8) YEAAAAAAAH (I meant it´s a bit rough and needs a little polishing, but I wanted that pun I forced it, NOT SORRY).

Also, gonna check out Doom server again, someone told me it´s harder now.

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Re: Perk and server suggestion area :)

Postby Hatty Hattington » Fri Apr 04, 2014 5:07 pm

Since Hatty and many others think that "Terminator" is too unbalanced add a real anti Terminator zed for it, like Acid spewin' Shivers or a Teleporting Bloat (ew... a teleporting acid bomb... it would be a shame... if I ported to the sitting player over there...). Just saying, I feel Terminator is fine as it is... I mean... is terminates stuff... and terminators are unstoppable in the movies, the way I see it, the perks are based on what they're inspired on, and Guardian makes sure it doesn't get too easy on a perk because he adds zeds to counter it or adds a nasty weakness to the perk. Although I feel there are a couple of perks that need a rise in their damage output because they feel they don't catch up with the difficulty of both server types, pro and non pro *cough* ARS, SMGS *cough*.

Why should every other perk thats weak to bloat acid (matrix, sonic blaze, frost) get nerfed just because terminator is imbalanced? The same thing happened when everyone called the remmington OP, and now the gun is 100% unusable on any other class just because termy is flat-out imbalanced. The remmy on BM and SSS is a joke, the friggin UAC shotgun is better than the remmy. Making another bloat enemy for termy to mow down in 0.2 seconds with its infinite ammo and damage wouldnt balance termy, balancing termy to not be god-tier would balance termy. High tier perks are fine and dandy, god tier things ruin games.

Also, iirc, the Terminator in the movie dies to lava. So where's termys fire weakness? Besides, just because something is canon does not defaultly mean that it will produce good overall gameplay. Thats a really, really bad argument.

Not every perk is meant to be a server-clearing nuker. SMGs and ARS are plenty powerful at high levels. Stop trying to bring things up to termy level, this is supposed to be a difficult server.
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Re: Perk and server suggestion area :)

Postby Hatty Hattington » Fri Apr 04, 2014 5:20 pm

Perks in question: DGS and Pistol Pro.

A long time ago, AngelKing (i think) brought up the fact that the damage bonus wasn't working on Pistol Pro after some testing on his part. This was during the time that the damage boost was broken on all perks, but nobody knew at the time. So the appropriate answer was the change those perks to get a headshot damage bonus, which worked..but it nerfed the perks hard. So now that the damage bonus is fixed across all perks, could we see DGS and PP's regular damage bonus back? As it stands now (on DGS) not alot of its weapons even benefit from its bonus. Liliths, rocket revolvers...those arent for headshot.

Sniper could stay with its headshot bonus. Its a class based on headshotting zeds, and its very good at doing so.

Tl:dr: bring back the regular damage bonus on PP an DGS? :>
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Re: Perk and server suggestion area :)

Postby Mangu » Fri Apr 04, 2014 9:09 pm

No need to be full of redundance and sheltered hatred Hatty... I didn't see that about the nerfing on other perks with an acid weaknesses, it's true I grant you that. Everyone can see you hate the Terminator's extreme damage output, you've made it clear. Try to sound neutral when you "recommend" stuff, being negative and trying to hide some passive aggresion is toxic mate and won't get you far enough.

I defended the Termie for what it stands for, but I have mine lvl 0, don't even use it at the moment and I have over 200 hours of playtime. It's also true though, just like I feel as well, we don't get some of Guardian's balancing as it is with some of the current perks. Just try to enjoy it man, and hope that Guardian makes that change you want sometime in the future, or just accept it, because there's no other way unless you start a server with your own rules, mods and balancing.

I love Guardian servers even though I don't agree with everything I see, but I try to make the most of it :)

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Re: Perk and server suggestion area :)

Postby Negor » Sat Apr 05, 2014 4:25 pm

All hatty's saying is by nerfing the perks weapon or putting in a zed that does alot of acid damage will hurt other perks in the long run, the only way to truly nerf it is to do something about the stats instead of the weapons. but thats for a different discussion.
Anywaysies :p
I think that Berserker should get rage yells for the hell of it XD i mean it fits in with the name
and Brawler should get more rage yells since im so biased but increase the amount of damage it takes per yell to like 20 or 30 or something
And other then that
We seriously need a lightning perk with all these lightning zeds that are coming out XD
But it needs to be something different from another cinder look alike.
I suggest more of a Mage this time around like a Thunder Mage
that or . . .
A Hybrid melee perk that would get Mjolnir at lvl 10 naturally
lightsaber at lvl 8 or something
and most importantly can shoot lightning bolts at enemies. would be 3, a Small-Medium-Large thunder bolts ( an infinite amount but takes 1 hp to use)
and would get Thunder which would be like rage yell but Thor has to stand still for 1 second and "charge up" to do it and lose 10 to start it (also infinite)
weapon Progression would be
Small bolt(lvl 0)> Sledgehammer(lvl 1) > Thunder(lvl 2) > Dwarf Axe (lvl 4) > Medium bolt (lvl 5) > Hammer of Retribution (lvl 6) > Large bolt (lvl 7)> Lightsaber(Thundersaber) (lvl 8 ) > Lvl 10 Mjolnir which would be another hammer of retribution but would shoot small lightning bolts when it swings along with the typical melee damage XD
As Thor is a God he has no real weakness 50%-100% move speed, 0%-75% attack speed, 10%-60% melee resist, no fire resis, 100-50% extra damage from bloats
but his real weakness. . .
1000% weaker armor, if he even has a pinch of armor anything would 1 shot him, poor guy :( that or it could be somehow made that he cant get armor but i like this better 8)
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Re: Perk and server suggestion area :)

Postby Guardian » Sat Apr 05, 2014 5:15 pm

Negor wrote:All hatty's saying is by nerfing the perks weapon or putting in a zed that does alot of acid damage will hurt other perks in the long run, the only way to truly nerf it is to do something about the stats instead of the weapons. but thats for a different discussion.
Anywaysies :p
I think that Berserker should get rage yells for the hell of it XD i mean it fits in with the name
and Brawler should get more rage yells since im so biased but increase the amount of damage it takes per yell to like 20 or 30 or something
And other then that
We seriously need a lightning perk with all these lightning zeds that are coming out XD
But it needs to be something different from another cinder look alike.
I suggest more of a Mage this time around like a Thunder Mage
that or . . .
A Hybrid melee perk that would get Mjolnir at lvl 10 naturally
lightsaber at lvl 8 or something
and most importantly can shoot lightning bolts at enemies. would be 3, a Small-Medium-Large thunder bolts ( an infinite amount but takes 1 hp to use)
and would get Thunder which would be like rage yell but Thor has to stand still for 1 second and "charge up" to do it and lose 10 to start it (also infinite)
weapon Progression would be
Small bolt(lvl 0)> Sledgehammer(lvl 1) > Thunder(lvl 2) > Dwarf Axe (lvl 4) > Medium bolt (lvl 5) > Hammer of Retribution (lvl 6) > Large bolt (lvl 7)> Lightsaber(Thundersaber) (lvl 8 ) > Lvl 10 Mjolnir which would be another hammer of retribution but would shoot small lightning bolts when it swings along with the typical melee damage XD
As Thor is a God he has no real weakness 50%-100% move speed, 0%-75% attack speed, 10%-60% melee resist, no fire resis, 100-50% extra damage from bloats
but his real weakness. . .
1000% weaker armor, if he even has a pinch of armor anything would 1 shot him, poor guy :( that or it could be somehow made that he cant get armor but i like this better 8)

I'm already working on two lightning perks :nod: and yes, one will have 1000% weaker armor or around there. Will be a few weeks or so, just when I get more time to work on them :nod:

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Re: Perk and server suggestion area :)

Postby Uberzilla » Thu Apr 10, 2014 1:21 am

add swarms (no swarm guardian) and spaz to the non pro servers
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Re: Perk and server suggestion area :)

Postby Mangu » Fri Apr 11, 2014 7:28 pm

Uberzilla, there's a reason why non pro and pro servers are different. I know Spaz and Swarms are just nuisance, but those zeds don't add much value for non pro
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Re: Perk and server suggestion area :)

Postby Saito » Sat Apr 12, 2014 6:47 am

Suggested Perk Report (with videos!):

Hybrid class with strong emphasis on dynamic weapon usage in order to kill zeds. Begins with nerfed speed and low armor. Novelty of increased jump height and ammo based speed bonus.

Overview of Concept

Base Stats:
0% more damage with Gundam weapons [10% increase per level]
0% increased ammo pickup for Gundam weapons [10% increase per level]
50% slower movement [5% decrease per level]
0% more Gundam weapon ammo [3% increase per level]
0% increase in jump height [3% increase per level]
0% resistance to all damage [2% increase per level]
0% better armor [5% increase per level]
95% resistance to fall damage [constant]
Armor Schneider Knife, Dual Vulcans, and Magnetic Drive added to inventory.

At the start, the class has no advantages to protect it from its speed penalty. This is negated however by the inclusion of the “Magnetic Drive” tool that is added to the inventory as a default weapon, which is explained later.

The two weapons the class starts with are a pair of Slot 2 machine gun dualies with modified damage values to be weaker.
The Slot 1 Armor Schneider knife is in concept a knife that vibrates at high speed in order to increase penetration and damage dealt to the victim. I suggest simply repackaging a normal knife/boker knife with chainsaw configuration, unless someone is kind enough to model a knife for us. That means it will be using the base damage of a chainsaw’s 19 damage during hold down and 270 damage in alt fire.

The gameplay centers around the vulcans being used to shoot down weaker zeds/weaken larger zeds before forcing the player to switch over to their AS knife in order to finish the job.

A video demonstration showing the gist of these weapons from 0:00-0:53

The Magnetic Drive is a tool that allows for the main attraction of this class: speed that is granted for limited amounts by some sort of ammo base. I suggest building a weapon configuration that uses negative values in speed reduction for carrying that will allow for faster movement when equipped/fired. Modifying a flamethrower configuration would be useful as the player may hold down m1 and we can gauge how much ammo is consumed per second.

Using this tool, the player can theoretically use it to close in on powerful zeds before “speeding” away with the knife weapon if desired to inflict damage before fleeing, or to perhaps move in to mob weaker zeds and to flee before the larger zeds come into play. Furthermore, this weapon does not require an actual custom model, so it saves on storage space/memory. A custom image may be added.
As for how fast the movement will be brought to, I suggest allowing for movement equal to normal 140% base movement that is default for approximately 120 seconds total limiting usage through ammo count when the weapon.
Starting with this, we conclude with end stats looking like this:

100% more damage with Gundam weapons
100% increased ammo pickup for Gundam weapons
0% slower movement
30% more Gundam weapon ammo
30% increase in jump height
20% resistance to all damage
50% better armor
95% resistance to fall damage [constant]

What we end up with is a rounded tank with speed/manoeuvrability options while retaining slight defensive properties we have not seen yet in a class.


I assume that we are under the strain of limited storage space, which leads to usage of the same weapon models with different properties. To combat this, I have attempted to limit any new weapon additions differences by property/sound files. I have attempted to link each weapon to a standard weapon in order for easy damage comparison.

Each weapon will receive the damage bonus in accordance to perk level.

Level 1 Weapons

Slot 3: Armor Piercing Round Bullpup - Basic Bullpup setup with addition of penetrating property. Penetration allows for rounds to pass through 1 enemy, with a 50% damage penalty. Possibly modify ammo count to compensate.

Slot 2: Firecracker - Grenade that splits into 4 smaller miniature nades, maintains splash while nerfing damage to 35% per nade. Costs twice as much as normal grenades.

Level 2 Weapons

Slot 2: GN Pistol - Laser Pistol. Rate of fire should be close to machine pistol, dealing damage approximately the same as the Tommygun at base. Possibly change projectile type to ZED Gun MK II’s orbs, along with modification of sounds and pushback property.

Reference: (beginning)

Slot 4: Stun Stake - Using Seal Squeal Harpoon Bomber, use harpoons to induce stun effect on enemies temporarily, reducing their speed to 10% of what their normal speed. Possibly modify matrix grenade script to induce same effect on single individual zeds. Little to no damage is inflicted

Level 3 Weapons

Slot 4: 80mm Burst Bazooka - Self explanatory bazooka with the ability to fire a single large range explosive round before reload(possible slightly faster reload than LAW). Emphasis on using it to wipe large groups of weak zeds and stun pushing stronger ones. Large splash, moderate damage, should be able to wipe gorefasts in one shot. Suggested 300 damage base.

Slot 4: 80mm Burst Bazooka Incendiary - Same deal, load the round with some napalm. Suggested 200 damage base in exchange for fire damage with 50 damage splash and 500 average afterburn damage. Modifying flare revolvers configurations will probably yield this result.

Level 4 Weapons

Slot 1: GN Blade - Large blade with high swing range and reach. Identical claymore in concept, though with increased swing speed (approximately 50% faster). Base damage 210.

Slot 5: GN Drive - If possible, I’d like to script this as a regenerating syringe style tool that induces 200% speed increase for approximately 7 seconds total before needing to “recharge”, which takes approximately 15 seconds to do so. May be used in bursts.

Level 5 Weapons

Slot 3: GN Sniper Rifle - M99 Model base, Husk Fireball script for a charged shot, removing fire damage and adding penetration value to the round and changing the round to be either a purple fireball shot, flamethrower round colored purple, or a purple railgun shot. The best way I can describe the damage would be impact base damage being 400 (600 with damage bonus, not including headshot 1.5x multiplier) for an uncharged shot and 2000 (3000 + 1.5x headshot) for a 3 second full charge. Penetrates 2 enemies with 50% damage penalty with each.


Slot 3: Assault Beam Rifle
Alternative Assault Beam Rifle for non sniping useage. Use uncharged Husk Fireball launcher rounds for the rounds, modified color and sound. Deals 65 damage per shot.


Level 6 Weapons
Armor added on spawn.

Slot 5: Vernier Jumper - modification of the current code base of the Doom/Quake Marine’s Rocket Launcher’s alt fire, only to reverse velocity so that it launches them forward in the indicated direction.

At this point, money should become issue, as these next weapons should go off the far end in terms of cost.

Level 7 Weapon

Slot 4: 100mm Hyper Bazooka - Abandon your 80mm single shot reload bazooka for the fancy new 100mm Hyper Bazooka with 5 round clip, fit for firing in succession for an explosive massacre. Base damage increased to 450.


Level 8 Weapon
Slot 1: Epyon Hydra Beam Saber - Think a big ass lightsaber with slow swing speed, but 2.5 the reach and swing range of a claymore, with a huge damage bonus to boot. Base damage of 900 damage.

Level 9 Weapon

Slot 3: Beam Magnum Rifle - Basically a rapid fire railgun. Larger AoE so you can shoot through crowds and basically clear pathways with it. 6 shot clip, 4 clips in all. Penetrates continuously with no penalty. Base damage of 2500.

Level 10 Weapons

Slot 4: Twin Satellite Cannon - It’s a portable orbital bombardment weapon. Kills everything. 1 round clip, 0 reload. Base damage of 500000 DPS. Costs 50000k to purchase ammo.



Slot 5: Flight Vernier - Enables user to ascend by holding down fire button. Enjoy your broken games.

tl;dr: Hybrid class with mixings of tanks and melees, fun to speed around.
Last edited by Saito on Sun Jul 20, 2014 12:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Perk and server suggestion area :)

Postby Guardian » Sun Apr 13, 2014 1:26 am

Very nice perk and perk description for Gundam. For the most part, most of that is possible, definitely looking at a lot of time going into that to get a lot of that working, that is for sure. Cannot promise anything, but thank you for the perk suggestion, very well explained out.

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